Want to copy over a Canvas course from an earlier term? You can migrate content from a Canvas course you might have previously taught to your new blank course shell.
To copy a Canvas course, open the blank course shell and click on “Import Existing Content” on the top-right of your home page (you can also find this under Course Settings). Select ‘Copy a Canvas Course’ from the dropdown list and search for the course you wish to copy (check the term). You can either copy the entire course as is, or copy parts of the course by selecting what you wish to migrate. Click on ‘Import’ to start the copying process.
Link to documentation: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-copy-content-from-another-Canvas-course-using-the/ta-p/1012
For more information on how to migrate your Canvas course content, contact the Learning Centre at it@landfood.ubc.ca