This session will be held on Friday, January 20, 2023 at noon. Will Valley (Associate Dean, EDI at the Faculty of Land and Food Systems) will be leading the discussion this week.
The Lunch & Learn Series hosts a Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)-based discussion session on the third Friday of each month. These sessions are led by Will Valley (Associate Dean, EDI at Faculty of Land and Food Systems) and the Learning Centre Team, and will be open to all. For these sessions, attendees will be provided with an article or podcast episode that will be explored in a reflective and interactive discussion.
In this session, Will Valley will explore the tensions and contradictions inherent to approaches that seek to increase food security. These approaches are characterized by a reluctance to accept the power, presence, and perpetuation of white supremacy in mainstream Canadian culture, and a failure to recognize the fundamental limits to creating a food secure future without first acknowledging and working toward dismantling settler-colonial legacies.
This session will be held both in-person at room MCML 350 and virtually over Zoom. Join Will and the Learning Centre team either in-person or virtually this Friday. To register for the session, please visit