Our next session will be held on Friday, April 22, 2022 at noon. Candice Rideout (LFS Associate Professor of Teaching in Food, Nutrition and Health) and Anna Stone (soon-to-be alumna of the Global Resource Systems program at LFS) will be our presenters this week.
The need for effective climate change education has never been more urgent. Instructors and student support staff play critical roles in students’ education, but development of effective learning experiences may be hindered by lack of training in climate change pedagogy and inadequate understanding of students’ perceptions and needs for climate change education. In this session, Candice and Anna will share their experiences and ideas regarding climate change education. As part of her Directed Studies project this term, Anna interviewed and surveyed upper-year undergraduate students to explore their perspectives on learning about climate change at university. We will consider how insights from her project can help inform strategies for climate change education at UBC.
Join Candice, and Anna to explore the results of their study and to explore perspectives on climate change education. To register for the Lunch & Learn Series, please visit https://ubc.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5cscumsqDwrG9OI5NHXco_FeqnmI0pzdWM1.
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