If you have successfully identified a suspicious email message, or if you have fallen for the phish, report the incident to the UBC CISO right away at security@ubc.ca!
The next steps to consider if you fall for a real attack would be to:
- Run a full virus scan of the device you used to click on the link.
- If you submitted your password, change the password as soon as possible.
If you still have the email, please do not click on any links and simply delete the email.
For more information on self-phishing please visit Privacy Matters self-phishing page at hxxps://privacymatters.ubc.ca/secure/self-phishing (please replace hxxps with https).
Please continue to send suspicious emails to security@ubc.ca. If you have any questions or concerns, you can also reach out to the LFS Learning Centre at it@landfood.ubc.ca.