Out of office reminders are a great way to let your colleagues know that you are unavailable to respond to emails for a period of time and should be used for vacations and sick days. We recommend using the FASmail webportal to set these up (but PC users have other options).
Log into your email at mail.ubc.ca. Click on the gear symbol In the upper right hand corner and scroll down to options. Under Mail -> Automatic Processing – > Automatic replies you can set an out of office response.
Your out of office note should state an expected return and an alternate contact while you are away. Sending responses to internal (UBC) and external emails is recommended.
PS: If appropriate, don’t forget to set up your Workday Delegations while you are setting up your Out-of-Office message! (Documentation can be found here)
For more information, please contact the LFS Learning Centre at it@landfood.ubc.ca