UBC Library Syllabus Service with LOCR

UBC Library’s Scholarly Communications & Copyright office offers a service to help UBC Vancouver instructors clear copyrighted course and teaching materials quickly and easily. The syllabus service allows for instructors to upload course readings/syllabi directly into the Library Online Course Reserves system (LOCR) which is integrated with Canvas and ensures that materials conform with Canadian copyright law and existing UBC license agreements and policies.

Library staff will clear copyright for you and material will be made available on your course site, generally within 10 business days. To use this service, follow the instructions on this link: https://services.library.ubc.ca/borrowing-services/using-course-reserves/#fragment-8e20cd8d626b762e4eeeb4589a8ba7c4-1

For more information, contact the LFS Learning Centre at it@landfood.ubc.ca.