Adobe Creative Cloud Alternatives
UBC IT has recently announced that due to increasing demand, they are updating their licensing approach for the Adobe Creative Cloud applications to ensure UBC remains compliant with its contractual and fiscal commitments. The new licensing process will include cost recoveries for the professional/licensed versions of Adobe products. The annual cost for users will be: Beginning June […]
LFS Teaching Colloquy 2023
This year’s LFS Teaching Colloquy will be held on Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 from 10am to 2pm. This year, we’ll be covering Multi-access and Hybrid Teaching in the morning, and Artificial Intelligence with a focus on ChatGPT in the afternoon. We hope you can join us for some or both of the sessions! Please RSVP […]
Lunch & Learn Series: ChatGPT with Gabriel Smith
This session will be held on Friday, January 27, 2023 at noon. Gabriel Smith (Learning Analyst) will be leading the discussion this week. In this session, Gabriel Smith will lead a discussion on the AI chat bot software, ChatGPT. What are its implications for higher education? How can it help instructors and students? And what can […]
Lunch & Learn Series: Jamovi Statistics Software with Brandon Oh
Our next formal session will be held on Friday, July 8th 2022 at noon (PT). Brandon Ho Seok Oh (Programmer Analyst, LFS Learning Centre) will lead the discussion this week. Jamovi is a free, open-source statistics application built on the R statistical language. It is similar to statistical software such as Minitab and SPSS. In […]
Lunch & Learn Series: Open drop-in session to plan for the 2022 academic year
This session will be held on Friday, April 29th, 2022 at noon. This will be an open drop-in session with the Learning Centre team. The 2021 academic year has come to an end! It was a year full of ups and downs. With return to hybrid in-person teaching from remote instruction followed by quick turnarounds to online […]