Mid Course Feedback

Considering Mid Course Feedback?

It is time to start considering a  Mid Course Feedback (MCF) sessions in your class. Mid course feedback is a great way for instructors to collect informal feedback from students about how the course is going so far.  The feedback is an ideal way to check in and see what students feel is going well and what potential changes could be made.

Mid course feedback is typically done around weeks 5-7 in the semester. Instructors schedule a 10 minute block of class time to poll students through a printout, index cards or online. The results are tabulated and shared in a subsequent class where the instructor discusses the results with the class. Most instructors and students report positive experiences with MCF.

The CTLT maintains a bank of good MCF questions at this site and other resources at this site:  http://midterm.teacheval.ubc.ca/resources/

If you have any questions about implementing Mid Course Feedback in your course or would like assistance please contact Cyprien Lomas (cyprien.lomas@ubc.ca)  or the LFS Learning Centre.